Am I your MP?
Enter your postcode to confirm that Stuart Anderson MP is your candidate.
I'm Stuart Anderson, the Conservative Member of Parliament for South Shropshire. Here, you can find news, campaigns and more about me and what I'm doing in South Shropshire and Westminster.
It is a great honour to have been selected as the Conservative Member of Parliament for South Shropshire. Growing up in the Marches, I spent much of my childhood in Shropshire, and now I live here with my family. As your Member of Parliament, I am committed to listening to your concerns, supporting our local community and delivering the services you deserve. Together, we can ensure that South Shropshire remains a fantastic place to live and work.
Stuart holds regular surgeries in the constituency for local residents to raise their concerns and issues.
Please find more details by clicking on the button below.
I really appreciate the chance to hear what you think. I run a number of surveys on my website on local issues, but I also have a general survey where you can share your thoughts on anything you care about.
Labour's plans to cut the Winter Fuel Payment from pensioners has caused a significant amount of concern with local residents.
Sign up to the survey below to show your opposition to these plans.
Enter your postcode to confirm that Stuart Anderson MP is your candidate.